Kindness is an Elixir

Kindness is an Elixir

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.

–Amelia Earhart

The ability to choose kindness is what separates us from animals. One little kind act can turn a life around. A kind word, a kind gesture, and even a kind smile can go a long way. However, most people are unaware that being kind presents a two-way benefit. Yes, kindness positively affects the recipient and the person performing a kind act.

Here are some science-backed benefits of being kind.

A Kind Act Boosts Your Feel-Good Hormone

Being kind causes the pleasure/reward areas in your brain to light up and boosts the serotonin and dopamine, hormones that are responsible for emotions of contentment and wellbeing.

Kindness is Good for the Heart

Oxytocin is a hormone released every time we choose to be kind. Nitric oxide, released in blood vessels by oxytocin, dilates the blood vessels. Oxytocin is a cardioprotective hormone that protects the heart by lowering blood pressure.

Being Kind Makes People Live Longer

Compassion and becoming a volunteer benefit your longevity. According to studies, people who devote more time helping others or volunteering for several organizations live longer and are less likely to die young.

According to David R Hamilton, a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and author of the book, The Five Side Effects of Kindness, the recognition that kindness matters go back a long way.

“We are wired for kindness. Our evolutionary ancestors had to learn to cooperate with one another. The stronger the emotional bonds within groups, the greater the chances of survival and so ‘kindness genes’ were etched into the human genome. So today, when we are kind to each other we feel a connection, and new relationships are forged or existing ones strengthened.” Hamilton says.

Kindness costs little to nothing. We have the power to choose how to lead our lives. We have this liberty. Why not choose to be kind?


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Kimberlee Hutnik Knepp

Kim was an educator for more than thirty years when she decided that writing a children’s fantasy book should be added to her bucket list. Currently, due to pandemic conditions, she is semi-retired from teaching. She misses her Pre-Kindergarten children who brought their own special blend of magic and youthful enthusiasm into her life on a daily basis.

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